

A comprehensive product portfolio of six electric counterbalance ranges and warehouse equipment includes the versatile and economical Cat EP10-35(L)CB range. (Image source: MLE B.V.)

With decades of experience in electric lift trucks development,  Cat? Lift Trucks, and its strong dealer network are ideally placed to help business in the transition to battery power

New range adapted for wide array of applications across diverse topographies and operating conditions. (Image source: MAN Truck & Bus)

MAN Truck & Bus has introduced the New TG Range for its markets in the sales area Middle East, Africa and Latin America

Linde is a global leader in the production, processing, storage, and distribution of hydrogen and has built close to 200 hydrogen refuelling stations to date. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The H2Accelerate collaboration has been formed by truck OEMs Daimler Truck, IVECO, and Volvo Group, and hydrogen infrastructure players OMV, Shell, and TotalEnergies, to accelerate the deployment of green hydrogen for trucking, welcoming Linde as the seventh member of the collaboration

More than 63,000 container moves have been completed since the facility, which can hold 792 containers at a time. (Image source: Adobe stock)

DP World has completed testing of the BOXBAY high bay storage concept at the first full-size facility constructed at the port of Dubai proving that the innovative technology works in the real world

The UAE ambassador welcomed the participation of the Mozambiques Sea, Inland Waters, and Fisheries Ministry in Expo 2020 Dubai. (Image source: Adobe stock)

Khalid Ibrahim Abdul Aziz Shuhail Al Qahtani, UAE ambassador to Mozambique, met Augusta de F?tima Charifo Maita, minister of the sea, inland waters, and fisheries of Mozambique, where they discussed about exploring maritime cooperation

During the meeting, which was held at the ministrys premises, Al Qahtani highlighted the strong UAE-Mozambique ties and the promising opportunities for cooperation in the maritime field.

The UAE ambassador welcomed the participation of the Mozambiques Sea, Inland Waters, and Fisheries Ministry in Expo 2020 Dubai, considering that it is an opportunity to showcase Mozambiques products to global markets and attract investments.

Maita, in turn, expressed the ministrys desire to benefit from the UAEs experiences in various fields in which the ministry is interested, especially in the field of fisheries. She also pointed out the ministrys preparations, in coordination with the private sector, to participate in Expo 2020 Dubai to showcase Mozambiques potential in marine wealth.

She also invited Al Qahtani to participate in the second session of the "Blue Economy" conference, which will be hosted by Mozambique in November 2021.

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