

CompAir has extended its portfolio of variable speed compressors with the launch of seven new models, to offer a comprehensive range of energy efficient rotary screw machines from 11kW to 250kW.

p>CompAir has extended its portfolio of variable speed compressors with the launch of seven new models, to offer a comprehensive range of energy efficient rotary screw machines from 11kW to 250kW.

A consortium led by Japans Marubeni Corporation has proposed the lowest tariff to build a 2,000 megawatt power plant in Riyadh for Saudi Electricity Company (SEC).

p>A consortium led by Japans Marubeni Corporation has proposed the lowest tariff to build a 2,000 megawatt power plant in Riyadh for Saudi Electricity Company (SEC).

OMICRON IS AN international company serving the electrical power industry with innovative testing and diagnostic solutions. The application of Omicron products provides users with the highest level of confidence in the condition assessment of primary and secondary equipment on their systems.

p>OMICRON IS AN international company serving the electrical power industry with innovative testing and diagnostic solutions. The application of Omicron products provides users with the highest level of confidence in the condition assessment of primary and secondary equipment on their systems.

THE INCANDESCENT LIGHT bulb is disappearing from stores. It has long been superseded by a new generation of light sources. In tomorrow?s multimedia society colour displays the size of an apartment will generate crystal-clear images, and entire sports stadiums will be lit by high-performance lamps.

ONE OF THE biggest challenges for Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) is to ensure that it has enough capacity to take care of the utility needs of a rapidly growing city like Dubai. It has budgeted US$2 billion this year to spend on new projects as part of its spending plan over the next several years.

p>ONE OF THE biggest challenges for Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) is to ensure that it has enough capacity to take care of the utility needs of a rapidly growing city like Dubai. It has budgeted US$2 billion this year to spend on new projects as part of its spending plan over the next several years.

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