

The project is part of a larger framework agreement signed between Masdar and GEDF in 2021 to develop renewable energy capacity in Georgia. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

UAE-based Masdar has signed a joint development agreement (JDA) with the Georgian Energy Development Fund (GEDF) to develop a 100MW photovoltaic (PV) solar project, which will be Georgia?s largest solar project

Germany signed a similar agreement with the UAE in November 2021, which set out the intention to develop green hydrogen and synthetic fuels. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The European Commission has approved Germany?s H2Global initiative to invest US$1bn in subisdising green hydrogen production in non-EU countries to import into Germany

The first project will involve the development of a 500MW solar plant in Southern Egypt. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

UAE-based AlNowais Investments is to invest US$1bn in two clean energy projects in Egypt, both of which will be commissioned within the next three years

The 1GW capacity will be divided into projects with capacities ranging from 50MW to 300MW. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Algeria?s Ministry of Energy Transition and Renewable Energy has launched the tender for a 1GW solar programme, with developers invited to submit proposals for projects ranging from 50MW to 300MW

Power is planned to be generated for the Red Sea Utilities project from 400MW photovoltaic (PV) solar and wind energy, with 1.3GWh of battery storage included. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

A consortium led by local developer ACWA Power has reached financial close for the US$1.33bn Red Sea Utilities project, which will be 100% powered by renewable energy and the largest battery energy storage system in the world

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