
ICT investment spending in the Middle East

Kables report in Middle East ICT investment focuses on how individual companies are setting their ICT budgets. (Image source: Jakub Krechowicz)

A study from Kable examined 124 Middle Eastern enterprises regarding their Information and Communications Technology (ICT) investment trends

The survey investigates how Middle Eastern enterprises currently distribute their ICT budgets across the core areas of enterprise ICT expenditure: hardware, software, IT services, communications and consulting.

The report identifies the core technologies enterprises are spending on, including communications and collaboration and cloud computing.

The survey also reports how companies in the Middle East operate when buying technology. The report aims to provide better insight to ICT vendors and services providers when presenting their solutions to enterprises in the Middle East; such as how ICT budgets are set to change in 2014 in terms of their overall size and how IT money is being spent in areas such as the data centre, applications, IT management and the network.