
DNV GL approves carbon capture technology to remove emissions at a waste-to-energy plant

After establishing a full-scale CO2-capture plant, the city?s CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced. (Image source: marcinjozwiak/Pixabay)

DNV GL has approved Shell carbon capture technology to remove emissions at a waste-to-energy plant in Norways Oslo

Gassnova, the Norwegian state agency for carbon capture and storage projects, is supporting the project, which tested Shell?s CANSOLV CO2 carbon capture technology at Fortum Oslo Varme?s waste-to-energy plant at Klemetsrud in Oslo. This project will contribute towards Norway?s target to reduce emissions with at least 50 per cent and towards 55 per cent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.

The Fortum Oslo Varme plant incinerates domestic and international sorted household and industrial waste. The excess heat is used to produce district heating and electricity.

DNV GL worked with Shell and Fortum Oslo Varme to verify the application of its recommended practices; DNVGL-RP-A203 Technology Qualification and DNVGL-RP-J201 Qualification procedures, for carbon dioxide capture technology. The recommended practices provide a systematic approach to technology qualification in a manner that ensures traceability throughout the process.

Steam and CO2 are emitted at Klemetsrud, where dust, dioxins, NOX HCL, SO2 and heavy metals are cleaned from the flue gas. The capture of more than 90 per cent of all CO2 in the flue gas was achieved during a pilot initiated in 2018. Going full scale with CCS, and with 50 per cent of waste incinerated at the plant being of biological origin, the environmental performance of the plant will be significantly improved by achieving net negative emissions.

Around 400,000 tonnes of CO2 can be captured at the site every year, the equivalent of removing 200,000 cars from regular use. The plan is that captured CO2 from the plant will be injected into geological formations thousands of metres below sea level West of Norway.

?The third-party technology qualification by DNV GL gave us confidence that the project risk related to implementing the Shell technology was low. The pilot plant demonstrated the ability to capture more than 90 per cent of the CO2 from the flue gas at our waste-to-energy plant in Oslo. When we establish a full-scale CO2-capture plant we can significantly reduce the city?s CO2 emissions,? said Jannicke Gerner Bjerkas, CCS-director in Fortum Oslo Varme.

?Shell is pleased to be able to collaborate with Fortum to bring carbon capture technology to the City of Oslo. We are proud that our 70+ years of developing technologies such as Cansolv CO2, to treat various process and natural gas streams has provided added assurance of a successful outcome to Fortum?s CCS project? said Paul Rek, vice-president of Shell Catalysts and Technologies.